『AMV Lyrics』= Kanojo Okarishimasu【the peggies Centimeter】OP 1 Full & @jaimesenpai - Video

-『AMV Lyrics』= Kanojo Okarishimasu【the peggies Centimeter】OP 1 Full & @jaimesenpai

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- Anime: Kanojo Okarishimasu
- Sinopsis de Kanojo Okarishimasu:
Kinoshita Kazuya es un fracaso de 20 años de un estudiante universitario. Se las arregló para besar a su novia una vez, pero fue abandonado después de un mes. "Ugh ... Maldita sea. Nunca quiero volver a pasar por eso otra vez". Completamente rencoroso, Kazuya usa un cierto método para salir con una chica. Él va a su lugar de reunión y de repente escucha: "Eres Kazuya-kun, ¿verdad?" Una hermosa niña cepillando su largo cabello negro detrás de la oreja estaba allí, sonriéndole. Se llamaba Mizuhara Chizuru. ¡Algo real nace después de un solo alquiler! ¡Una comedia romántica temeraria llena de amor y emoción está a punto de comenzar!

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- Anime: Kanojo Okarishimasu
- Synopsis of Kanojo Okarishimasu:
Kinoshita Kazuya is a 20-year-old failure of a college student. He managed to kiss his girlfriend once, but was dumped after a month. "Ugh... Damn. I never want to go through that again." Completely spiteful, Kazuya uses a certain method to date a girl. He goes to their meeting place and suddenly hears: "You're Kazuya-kun, right?" A beautiful girl brushing her long black hair behind her ear stood there, smiling at him. Her name was Mizuhara Chizuru. Something real is born after just one rental! A reckless romantic comedy full of love and emotion is about to begin!

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- Artista/Artist: the peggies
- Canción/Song: Centimeter
- Canal the peggies / the peggies Channel: https://youtube.com/@thepeggiesofficial?si=kV5DppbOEryiaVgi
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- Escenas de Video/Video Scenes: Nyaa.si
- Audio de Video/Audio of Video: https://hikarinoakari.com/the-peggies-centimeter-single-kanojo-okarishimasu-op/
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AMV´s de tus animes favoritos. Musica variada tanto de sus Openings, Endings y OST mas escuchados en el mundo del anime. Incluyendo al igual canciones AMV de canciones en ingles de tus famosos mas reconocidos.

Espero que disfrutes de estos momentos tanto epicos, felices y tristes del anime.

Soy Sakura Rui Lyrics y este es mi canal :V ¡¡ SUSCRIBETE !! ;) Espero y lo disfruten
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AMV's of your favorite animes. Varied music of its most listened to Openings, Endings and OST in the world of anime. Including the same AMV songs of songs in English of your most recognized celebrities.

I hope you enjoy these epic, happy and sad moments of anime.

I'm Sakura Rui Lyrics and this is my channel: V SUBSCRIBE!! ;) I hope and enjoy it
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- Copyright notice! * All materials used in this are for entertainment purposes only. And the copyright belongs to the original creator. I do not plan to monetize this video just to entertain and promote anime.
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- Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
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Música AMV, AMV, Musica
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