15 Female Painters You Should know about: Bodypainting into Joan Mitchell - Video

Please subscribe to our channel =) 15 Female Painters You Should know about: Blending into Joan Mitchell with bodypaint. Trina Merry continues her series of blending people into well-known paintings with a special emphasis on 15 historical female painters in this special sub-series.

Joan Mitchell (1925–1992)
Mitchell was an abstract expressionist most known for her oils on canvas. She painted landscapes from memory, but rather than the actual image, she visualized her feelings associated with it. She used powerful, textured brushstrokes and layered vibrant colors. She studied painting in Chicago and Paris, then moved to New York and became an integral figure in the New York avante-garde art scene. In 1929, she relocated to Paris and spent the rest of her life in France. In 1982, she was the first American woman artist to have a solo exhibition at the Musee d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris. Mitchell mentored young artists later in life and established the Joan Mitchell Foundation in her will to support growing artists.

To read the full blog please visit: https://www.trinamerry.com/trinamerryblog/2022/2/3/15-female-painters-every-art-lover-should-knownbsp

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About Trina Merry:
When NYC Bodypainter Trina Merry was struck by lightning in Hollywood, it altered the course of her life. Everything turned white and there was a loud buzzing sound as the lighting filled her car. The most incredible aching sensation shot through her bones. Suffering from continuous a painful ache in her bones whenever she was near power lines or any electrical wires, she escaped to the sheltering forest of Yosemite National Park hoping for a reprieve. She spent a year painting by a little stream where she made friends with the local deer.

It was during this time that she had a few glasses of absinthe with Amanda Palmer (the Dresden Dolls, TED Talks). Palmer encouraged Trina to stand onstage and get body painted with the Dolls opening act- an Australian synesthesia art-rock band called “The Red Paintings”. While wearing a silver mask that shot laser beams out into the audience, she experienced complete strangers painting her body with brightly colored space toys. Something sparked: Art had a heartbeat. Art could be vulnerable. Art was… happening.

Trina Merry has performed and exhibited at the Whitney Biennial, San Jose Museum of Art with Andy Goldsworthy, Attleboro Arts Museum, ESMoA, Museo De Bardini (Florence), Edward Hopper House, Red Dot Miami, Superfine! Art Fair, Satellite Art Show, WORKS San Jose & SOMArts alongside the Guerilla Girls. Her initial exhibition of "Lust of Currency" at the LES arts collective "Con Artist" sold out in only three days. She was a summer resident at Robert Wilson's Watermill Center, apprentice to Skin Wars judge Craig Tracy and has a BFA in film.

"Jazzy" by Infraction
Music promoted by Inaudio: http://bit.ly/3qxoX6U

Venice by Gyvus: https://soundcloud.com/gyvus/venice

#Modernart #Streetart #Humanart #bodypaint #illusion #art #bodypainting #bodypaintingart #bodypaintartist #femalepainters #feminism #femaleartists #bodypositivity #femalebodypaint #art #contemporaryart #performanceart #joanmitchell
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