[3/5] God's Love & Your Destiny Fulfilled | Bentinho Massaro - Video

“God’s Love & Your Destiny Fulfilled” is a FREE Online Weekend Retreat, taking place June 10-12, 2022.

All donations are welcome: https://bit.ly/onlineretreatdonations

The retreat schedule is as follows:
• Session 1: Friday, June 10
6:00—7:30pm UTC
• Session 2: Saturday June 11
1:00—3:00pm UTC
• Session 3: Saturday June 11
6:00—7:30pm UTC
• Session 4: Sunday June 12
1:00—3:00pm UTC
• Session 5: Sunday June 12
6:00—7:30pm UTC

Just like God’s Love, this online weekend container is available for everyone and anyone to watch LIVE without any cost. Donations are really appreciated, and if you make a minimum donation you’ll be invited to participate in the live Zoom experience, but neither are required to watch this training weekend.

Bentinho wants these two Master Keys “Tapping into God’s Love & Staying in the Destiny-Fulfilled state”—which can result in a truly profound and happy life experience—to be available to all ASAP.

This retreat, which you can simply watch from your home, will :

Offer you a way to tap into the bliss and relief of God’s Unity-Love

Provide you with a powerful understanding and key tool to stabilize yourself in the joy of “Your Destiny Fulfilled” state of mind

Both access points will enable you—with practice—to remain unshakably satisfied and powerfully connected in the midst of all manner of everyday circumstances. There isn’t anything else you really need in life to thrive and access everything you truly desire than these two access points.

You will effectively learn to act without acting, remain timeless within the illusion of time and begin to experience a steady faith and bliss that is sustainable under virtually all conditions.

The result is inner freedom, outer joy, and a steady increase in desirable, successful events showing up naturally on your life path.

In short: become the embodiment of transcendental love & unshakable confidence; and in-so-doing automatically serve all.

00:00 Intro
22:52 Silent Transmission
26:58 Beginning of the session


No Limits Society is Bentinho’s exclusive training program for those on a mission to ignite global awakening. This is the official “spiritual gym membership” of Bentinho’s most integrated, refined, and interactive teachings to date.

As a No Limits Society member, you will be invited to Bentinho’s weekly online training sessions, as well as live access to his exclusive channel on Telegram. This is the single best way to immerse yourself in Bentinho’s teachings at this time.

In NLS you will have opportunities to put yourself to task, show up in creative ways, involve yourself with the team, step up as a leader, get invited to exclusive NLS-only events, and participate in initiatives you would otherwise never know about.

Find out more and sign up here:


Bentinho’s teachings contain the essence of all major spiritual paths, but zero in on what works and ignore what does not. If you want the deepest possible realizations, the most comprehensive tools to live a life of true fulfillment, and you'd like to master all this in the shortest amount of time humanly possible, you've come to the right place.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bentinhomassaro — (Recommended)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bentinhomassaro​

Facebook community group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/336863633071053

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Bentinhomassaro​

Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

#Spirituality #Enlightenment #Awakening #Meditation #Selfrealization #Consciousness #Empowerment #ThirdEye #LawOfAttraction
Twitch nude
Trinfinity, Bentinho Massaro, spirituality
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