A TRIP DOWN HO* LANE...(Se* Positivity, Sneaky Links & OnlyFans) - Video

This week, Salice and her guest discuss the infamous and stigmatized “hoe phase”. What exactly is the hoe phase? Is your hoe phase more justified if it’s triggered by heart break as opposed to experiencing this phase simply as a carefree right-of-passage before settling down? Test your open mindedness as you listen in on the debate of why the rules of “hoe phases” might be different for women as opposed to men. Tune in for a HILARIOUSLY relatable episode as Salice and her guest reflect back on their hoe phases and discuss not only the worst parts but the best parts in spite of all the negative connotations surrounding the topic. In addition, Salice and her guest discuss the controversies surrounding having an Only Fans while being in a relationship in this new sex-positive era we are living in today.
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#newpodcast, #comedy, #entertainment
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