Adriana Chechik Is Struggling to Walk After TwitchCon Injury #Shorts - Video

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Adriana Chechik is struggling to walk after her TwitchCon accident. The creator posted a video of her taking her first steps since she broke her spine jumping into a foam pit hosted by Lenovo and Intel. Adriana has seen one surgery of over five hours and has more in her future. “I don’t want to be tough. I don’t want to be brave. I cried for an hour and the pain is so immense through all the meds I’m on.”

Produced by: Cory Ray, Philip DeFranco
Edited by: Christian Meeks
Art Department: William Crespo
Writing/Research: Star Pralle, Philip DeFranco
#TwitchCon #AdrianaChechik #Shorts
Twitch nude
Adriana chechik surgery, adriana chechik walking, twitchcon injury
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