Burden of Proof - Learn how to avoid this logical fallacy - Video

Sometimes when things are uncertain, it can be tempting to jump to a conclusion to fill in the gaps. Unfortunately, this can lead us to become fixed on a specific idea and possibly deny our responsibility to provide evidence for our conclusion. In this video I show you how to explore other possibilities and recognise when you, or others, have shifted the burden of proof.

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Thanks so much to the following people whose work helped me make this video:

Video Clip

Groening, Matt, et al. “Decision 3012.” Futurama, performance by John DiMaggio, and Phil Lamarr, season 7, episode 3, The Curiosity Company, 20th Century Fox Television (as 30th Century Fox Television), Fox Television Animation, 27 June 2012.

Information References

Bouygues, Helen Lee. “Jumping to Conclusions: Why It Happens and How to Stop It.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 21 June 2021, https://www.forbes.com/sites/helenleebouygues/2021/06/21/jumping-to-conclusions-why-it-happens-and-how-to-stop-it/.

Effectiviology, https://effectiviology.com/jumping-to-conclusions/.

“How Did the Egyptians Build the Pyramids?” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., https://www.britannica.com/question/How-did-the-Egyptians-build-the-pyramids#:~:text=The%20most%20plausible%20one%20is,sledges%2C%20rollers%2C%20and%20levers.

“How to Avoid the Appeal to Ignorance Fallacy in Academic Writing.” Proofed, 25 Nov. 2020, https://proofed.com/writing-tips/how-to-avoid-the-appeal-to-ignorance-fallacy-in-academic-writing/#:~:text=As%20a%20rule%2C%20the%20best,lack%20of%20evidence%20might%20imply.

“Jumping to Conclusions.” Logically Fallacious, https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/logicalfallacies/Jumping-to-Conclusions.

Mathers, Connie. “5 Burden of Proof Fallacy Examples.” Develop Good Habits, 9 Mar. 2022, https://www.developgoodhabits.com/burden-proof/.

“Occam's Razor - Definition and Examples.” Conceptually, https://conceptually.org/concepts/occams-razor.

Olito, Frank, and Talia Lakritz. “38 Of the Most Popular Conspiracy Theories in the US.” Insider, Insider, 19 Aug. 2022, https://www.insider.com/popular-conspiracy-theories-united-states-2019-5#some-people-believe-that-a-research-facility-in-alaska-is-a-mind-control-lab-4.

“We May Finally Know How the Pyramids Were Built.” Discovery, https://www.discovery.com/exploration/how-the-pyramids-were-built.

Music Credits

‘Inspirational Background’
Music by Denys Kyshchuk from Pixabay.

Music by ComaStudio from Pixabay

Video Background

Video by Tomislav Jakupec from Pixabay
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