Christopher Rufo's 'Critical Race Theory Briefing Book' - Video

Christopher Rufo’s “Critical Race Theory Briefing Book” is a policy and communications guide for parents, schools, and policy leaders. According to Rufo’s website:

“In recent months, I've advised hundreds of leaders across the country, from local school board candidates to members of the United States House and Senate. I've distilled down my advice into this briefing book, which contains definitions, quotations, stories, language, and model policies—everything you need to fight critical race theory in American institutions.

Right now, we have enormous momentum on this issue. But in order to turn this sentiment into victory, we need to build a persuasive argument to the public and implement smart policies at every level of government. I hope this guidebook will help thousands of leaders learn about critical race theory, explain it to their constituents, and abolish it from American public life.”

Here's a link to the book:
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