(Civilization 6) Complete Leader Tier List For Civilization 6 || Ranking Every Leader In Civ 6 - Video

In this civ 6 video we are making a tier list for civilization 6. Civilization 6 has 51 leaders and in this tier list for civ 6 we are going to be ranking every leader in civ 6. civilization 6 leader tier list by TheCivLifeR

Who is the best civ? Who is the worst? lets find out

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00:00 Intro
01:18 Germany (Frederick)
03:22 Netherlands (Wilhelmina)
05:21 Macedon (Alexander)
07:45 India (Chandragupta)
09:34 China (Qin Shi Huang)
11:28 Rome (Trajan)
14:06 Aztec (Montezuma)
16:56 Khmer (Jayavarman VI)
19:37 Inca (Pachacuti)
21:50 America (Bull Moose Teddy)
24:01 Greece (Gorgo)
26:07 Hungary (Matthius)
28:25 Nubia (Amanitore)
31:13 Maori (Kupe)
32:18 Poland (Jadwiga)
34:03 India (Gandhi)
35:53 Mali (Mansa Musa)
38:05 Georgia (Tamar)
40:25 Sumeria (Gilgamesh)
42:45 Scotland (Robert The Bruce)
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