Cute Kitsune Girlfriend Forces You to Relax [Monster Girl] [Cuddles] [F4M Asmr Roleplay] [Sleep Aid] - Video

❝Now, put your head on my nice, warm and soft tighs..~❞

✿ Plot: You’ve been hard at work on yet ANOTHER script! Your girlfriend isn’t mad; but she’s worried about you since you look and sound so stressed. She forces your laptop closed and takes you into another room for some decompression and downtime, giving you all of the love, support and comfort you can ever want from your loving y Kitsune girlfriend!

✿ Socials:
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✿ Credits:
▶Script by u/foxlover93 !

✿ Tags:
▶ F4A Girlfriend Asmr Roleplay VA Voice Actor / [SFW] Kitsune Forces You to Relax [Monster Girl] [Cuddles] [F4M Asmr Girlfriend Roleplay] [Comfort] Humming Sushing Relaxation Sleep Aid Love Cuddles Tail Sweet

#asmr #monstergirl #girlfriend #sleepaid

Thank you for everyone supporting me..!
Twitch nude
kitsune, roleplay, va
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