Daily Twitch Fails and Highlights for 13 October 2021
Thanks for watching! Let me know what you think! Here are the timestamps for each clip

0:00 EsfandTV: Miz puts his feet on the bar
0:30 forsen: Its time forsen
0:50 EsfandTV: Goblin commits murder live
1:09 ItsSliker: Wait is that bullshit
1:36 dota2ti: Dota is literally unplayable due to this one simple bug
2:01 dota2ti: Hassan Bowl finale
2:32 richwcampbell: 178 favorite stat
3:19 Meowko: Meowko lost in the Squid Game
3:54 Zoil: SOY
4:06 LIRIK: Liriks keyboard dies during Trackmanias Cup of the Day
4:36 Jabroni_Mike: Radioactive fallout from Chernobyl vs P0rn preference in the country of Sweden
5:08 Zoil: Zoil plays Fortnite Among us
5:33 nyanners: Nyanners Exposed
6:02 biggestbadjohn: Wow streamer dealing with Mythic Progress
6:29 Quin69: Quin69 I could easily be a murderer
6:51 dota2ti: Team Secret Captains advice to the previous TI Winners OG for going to the lower bracket
7:06 Mizkif: Mizkif beats Greek
7:30 Ray__C: Cops on Nopixel have PTSD
7:59 veibae: Vei has had enough with backseaters
8:22 robcdee: Robcdee working hard
8:38 Mizkif: Mizkif rolls Amouranth
8:44 xoAeriel: The Absolute State of Twitch
9:10 Empirrre: SOYING
9:16 Hungrybox: A fitting end.
9:33 JustaMinx: When an Irish woman loses her sanity
9:49 moistcr1tikal: Critikal gets scammed
10:24 richwcampbell: Alinity tells a story of her childhood and rich cracks up
10:52 cyr: Nick confirms the theory about the OTK event
11:15 cyr: Curb Your Cyr
11:44 NRG_Hamlinz: Hamz learn a new word
12:20 alte: Incredible timing

#Twitch #Clips #Highlight #Livestreamfails #Funny

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Outro music by Ghostrifter Official: https://youtu.be/Y30VQPGtxOs
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