Mia Khalifa ist eine der bekanntesten Internet-Persönlichkeiten der Welt. Das ist ihre tragische Geschichte.
Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei Madita Oeming für ihre wertvollen Einsichten.
Unser Instagram-Account: https://www.instagram.com/simplicissimusyt
Unser Kanal gehört zu funk, dem Netzwerk von ARD und ZDF. Weitere Infos:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/funkofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/funk
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@funk
Website: https://go.funk.net
[1-2; 28; 34] Infos & Rankings von P***hub und vergleichbaren, diversen Plattformen
[3] https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/08/26/17/4394838800000578-4825546-image-a-57_1503763721814.jpg
Daily Mail - Mia Khalifa, 21, gets threatened by I*** (2017)
[4] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-49330540
[5] https://www.playboy.com/read/you-don-t-know-mia-khalifa
[6; 22; 25; 35-36; 38-40] Mia Khalifas Social Media Accounts & Websites
[7] The Washington Post - The Miami p*** star getting threats from Lebanon (2015)
MySA - Whataburger to Mia Khalifa, a popular p*** star with Texas ties who wants franchise (2015)
[9] Film Daily - Will Mia Khalifa ever return to s** work? (2021)
[10] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igkv5JDgduA
[11] Newsweek - Meet Mia Khalifa, the Lebanese P*** Star Who Sparked a National Controversy (2015)
[14] Houston Style Magazine - Songs and threats for Lebanese American p*** star Mia Khalifa (2015)
[15] International Business Times - Valentine's Day 2016: P***hub star Mia Khalifa's plans revealed (2016)
[16] VICE - Der Aufstieg der Hidschāb-P***s (2015)
[17] Profil - Mia Khalifa und die Doppelmoral der islamischen Welt (2016)
[18] https://www.religionen-entdecken.de/lexikon/k/kopftuch-im-islam
[19] Know Your Meme - Mia Khalifa Held Hostage
[20] Mirror - P***hub star Mia Khalifa reveals she received d**** threats from I*** over X-rated hijab scene (2018)
[21] The Mideast Beast - I*** Threatens Mia Khalifa after Reviewing Videos, Vigorously
[23] FIZ - S**arbeit ist Arbeit
[24] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwTAgom_VX8
[26] https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/dignity/vol6/iss3/1/
[27] https://www.instagram.com/p/B1EhEfggyC2/?utm_medium=copy_link
[29] The Washington Post - Mia Khalifa is among the world’s most-watched women. Yet the p*** industry is keeping the profits. (2019)
[30] https://filmdaily.co/obsessions/mia-khalifa-net-worth-contract/
[31] Bellesa - What is Ethical P***?
[32] https://www.arte.tv/de/articles/erikalust-iv
[33] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4D2XNLr9XE
[37] Film Daily - Why is Mia Khalifa using O***Fans for content?
Epidemic Sound
Kevin MacLeod - Floating Cities lizenziert unter CC-BY-4.0.
Schön, verständlich, kritisch und fundiert. Wir machen Essays zu Fragen, die du dir noch nie, oder viel zu oft gestellt hast.
Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei Madita Oeming für ihre wertvollen Einsichten.
Unser Instagram-Account: https://www.instagram.com/simplicissimusyt
Unser Kanal gehört zu funk, dem Netzwerk von ARD und ZDF. Weitere Infos:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/funkofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/funk
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@funk
Website: https://go.funk.net
[1-2; 28; 34] Infos & Rankings von P***hub und vergleichbaren, diversen Plattformen
[3] https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/08/26/17/4394838800000578-4825546-image-a-57_1503763721814.jpg
Daily Mail - Mia Khalifa, 21, gets threatened by I*** (2017)
[4] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-49330540
[5] https://www.playboy.com/read/you-don-t-know-mia-khalifa
[6; 22; 25; 35-36; 38-40] Mia Khalifas Social Media Accounts & Websites
[7] The Washington Post - The Miami p*** star getting threats from Lebanon (2015)
MySA - Whataburger to Mia Khalifa, a popular p*** star with Texas ties who wants franchise (2015)
[9] Film Daily - Will Mia Khalifa ever return to s** work? (2021)
[10] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igkv5JDgduA
[11] Newsweek - Meet Mia Khalifa, the Lebanese P*** Star Who Sparked a National Controversy (2015)
[14] Houston Style Magazine - Songs and threats for Lebanese American p*** star Mia Khalifa (2015)
[15] International Business Times - Valentine's Day 2016: P***hub star Mia Khalifa's plans revealed (2016)
[16] VICE - Der Aufstieg der Hidschāb-P***s (2015)
[17] Profil - Mia Khalifa und die Doppelmoral der islamischen Welt (2016)
[18] https://www.religionen-entdecken.de/lexikon/k/kopftuch-im-islam
[19] Know Your Meme - Mia Khalifa Held Hostage
[20] Mirror - P***hub star Mia Khalifa reveals she received d**** threats from I*** over X-rated hijab scene (2018)
[21] The Mideast Beast - I*** Threatens Mia Khalifa after Reviewing Videos, Vigorously
[23] FIZ - S**arbeit ist Arbeit
[24] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwTAgom_VX8
[26] https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/dignity/vol6/iss3/1/
[27] https://www.instagram.com/p/B1EhEfggyC2/?utm_medium=copy_link
[29] The Washington Post - Mia Khalifa is among the world’s most-watched women. Yet the p*** industry is keeping the profits. (2019)
[30] https://filmdaily.co/obsessions/mia-khalifa-net-worth-contract/
[31] Bellesa - What is Ethical P***?
[32] https://www.arte.tv/de/articles/erikalust-iv
[33] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4D2XNLr9XE
[37] Film Daily - Why is Mia Khalifa using O***Fans for content?
Epidemic Sound
Kevin MacLeod - Floating Cities lizenziert unter CC-BY-4.0.
Schön, verständlich, kritisch und fundiert. Wir machen Essays zu Fragen, die du dir noch nie, oder viel zu oft gestellt hast.
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