etrailer | Review of Empire Faucets RV Showers and Tubs - Bathtub - Indoor Shower - EM93HR - Video

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Bobby Hey, everybody. Welcome to I'm Bobby. And today we're taking a look at the empire faucets, tub, shower, diverter faucet with shower head. This faucet and shower head set's going to allow you to upgrade your faucet for your shower in your RV or camper. It is going to boot boast a diamond ceramic cylinder.

What's really nice about that in here, where it's actually mixing, it's going to have that cylinder. What's great about that, no washers or gaskets to start breaking out. Gonna have to have to maintain this a lot less and service it less, which is great because when we get in our RV or camper, we definitely want to have a consistent shower, right We don't want to go on vacation and have to do work of repairing it. So this is definitely gonna give you that quality assurance of letting you know that it is going to be ready to use at all times. Now the chrome finish on here as well, gives it a nice sleek look.

Kind of modern. Here it it looks like something you might see installed in the new apartment somewhere or in a house. One thing I will say though, too, it does come in a variety of colors. It is coming brushed nickel and an oil-rubbed bronze as well. One thing I kind of liked about the oil-rubbed bronze.

It has just slightly different design patterns on here. Not nothing too crazy. I think the shower head was just a little bit better too. This guy, I'll give you guys a closer look. It's decent.

It kinda, to me, looks more hospital-ly personal. However, definitely still gonna do a great job. And I really do like the chrome finish. And how often are we really that worried about the shower head, right. But I do highly recommend if you guys, do you have the color palette for it, take a look at that oil-rubbed bronze. I think it has just a slightly more stylish look to it. Now this guy is still going to be great for that modern look in my opinion. Now it will be a wall mount design. So keep in mind, you will need three holes to get this solved. Of course you have the back here of your faucet spout, and you have our handle insert here. And of course our shower head to go ahead and get those guys actually installed for ourselves. So taking a look at all these pieces, you can see you have a great little system to set up. Our shower head offers us a nice cascading water string. Now, nothing too crazy on this guy, but he does kind of shift around here. So that can be great to actually get that pointed in the direction you want. Now I don't really think you can actually transpose any of these guys. As you guys can see pretty much fixed structure there of just your kind of standard stream of water outlet there for ourselves. Now, our faucet does have a diverter here today. That's going to allow us to either fill up our tub or to redirect our flow up to our shower heads. To do so we do have this little guy included. All we have to do go ahead and get that guy back set in our wall. And of course water is going to go ahead and be naturally driven by gravity to go out. And if we kind of plug that by keeping other faucet from letting water out, that water's going to backtrack back up to our shower head, of course, and that's, what's going to give us our workable shower. Now our teacup handle here on our temperature control valve gives us a nice way to adjust, adjust our water output. Now, one thing I'll say about this too, it does have a nice little kind of anti-scalding technology built into it. What I mean by that You can see here, it's going to start in the off position as we go around here going counter-clockwise it's going to go ahead and actually bring ourselves up to our hot position. To do that though, we have to pass our cold. So we are going to have constant cold output the entire time within there. And I don't know about you guys, but I know our fifth wheel RV has a very hot water tank. That water gets very, very hot and without a little bit of cold water added, you can definitely easily kind of scald yourself. So that's something we definitely want to avoid. And I like that we already kind of have that built into the system. That's great too. If your kiddos are jumping in there, right. They're not too conscious of it. They go ahead and just open it up all the way. We definitely don't want any burns on those family vacations, ruining the whole trip. So I do like how it gives us just a little bit of added protection for ourselves. Well, we can go ahead and actually take a look here at our dimensi
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