ExtraEmily/Cinna 2024-08-17 'STREAMER GAMES WINNER POV.../???? AT STREAMER GAMES EARLY' - Video

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Thumbnail at 2:12:29. Offline chat in top-left, Emily's chat in bottom-left, and Brit's chat in top-right. Starts when Eric first shows up and I switch POV if I notice he's on the other stream

0:00:00 Just Chatting w/ erobb221
0:02:42 Just Emily
0:07:55 Just Chatting w/ erobb221
0:08:42 Just Emily
0:10:23 Just Chatting w/ erobb221
0:10:35 Just Emily
0:12:25 Just Chatting w/ erobb221
0:13:16 Just Emily
0:15:09 Just Chatting w/ erobb221
↳ 0:22:06 w/ Mizkif
↳ 0:41:57 w/ Cinna, wojitoo
↳ 0:49:08 w/ Berleezy, Sydeon, DisguisedToast, etc.
1:12:10 Tour
1:13:58 F
1:14:23 Tour
1:31:19 Just Chatting
1:32:24 F'ing
1:44:28 Just Chatting
1:57:55 Race
2:06:25 Just Chatting
↳ 2:11:28 w/ Valkyrae
2:27:07 Eric goes live: https://youtu.be/vCWRRvaVCYo
2:27:12 Just Chatting

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