Funeral Rehearsal - Video

A self obsessed millennial stages her own funeral after her therapist tells her that she has an unhealthy relationship with death.
Written and Directed by Paige Elkington
Director of Photography - Brandon Kelly
Producer - Alix Brown
Editor - Kaitlin Gleason
Colorist  - Loren White
Sound - Murray Shaw 
DP Assistant - Steele O’Neal
Sound Mixer  -Alon Wolman
Wardrobe - Eleanor Wells
Makeup - Jo Riedl
PA - Allyson Holloway
PA - Fabienne Therese
Paige Elkington
Leland Naylor
Cora Keegan 
Demi Adejuyigbe
Freckle as Mumbles
Kate Hollowell as FaceTime girl
Twitch nude
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