Getting back to Shadowlands, Double mage with Xaryu [21-Mar-2022] - Video

Mitch Jones - Getting back into WoW, Double mage arena with Xaryu [21-Mar-2022 Alt VOD]
Safe to watch on Twitch in 2022+. VODs are mostly demonetized so donos (esp. recurring monthly) are appreciated: Links: Twitch VOD: Original stream title: Back in Texas Timestamps:
0:00 Chilling & 2s
26:17 Old starting screens
28:48 Chilling & 2s
42:05 AFK
43:28 Chilling & 2s
1:20:52 Old starting screens
1:23:49 Chilling & 2s
2:18:55 Chilling & 2s & Gamba
2:46:15 Chilling & 2s
3:32:25 Chilling & 2s, Ro in background
3:38:54 Muted
3:45:08 Chilling & 2s, Ro in background
4:24:00 2s with Xaryu (no comms), Ro in background
4:25:09 2s with Xaryu, Ro in background
5:59:36 Outro
Twitch nude
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