Happy Father's Day! A Journey through Selected Fathers of the Bible - Video

1. The Guilty Father: Adam (Romans 5: 12)
a.His First Child: Cain
Cain lgnored God (Genesis 4: 6 - 8)
Cain Disrespected God (Genesis 4: g)
Cain Accused God (Genesis 4: 10 - 14)
2. The Courageous Father: Noah (Genesis 6: 3; II Peter 2: 5; Genesis 6: 5 - 11)
a.Noah Lived in Obedience to God (Genesis 6:9)
b.Noah Lived with Integrity (Genesis 6:9)
c.Noah Lived Close to God (Genesis 6:10; 5:24)
3. The Grieving Father: Job (Job 1: 1-5; 18-22)
4. The Sacrificial Father: Abraham
a.Isaac His Only Son (Genesis 22: 1, 12, 16; John 3: 16; 1:14, 18; 3:18;Genesis 22:2; II Chronicles 3:1)
b.Isaac, A Willing Sacrifice (Genesis 22:3, 6, 9; Isaiah 53:7
c.Abraham, Total Trust and Obedience (Genesis 22:5; Hebrews 11:17-18)
5. The Favoritism Father: Isaac (Genesis 25:27; 37:3 - 4)
6.The Permissive Father: Eli (Samuel 2:12-29)
7. The Disappointed Father: Samuel (I Samuel 8:1-5)
8. The Enabling Father: Manoah (Judges 14:1-3)
9. The Convinced Father: Joshua (Joshua 24:15)
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