Human-Non-Human Entanglements of Prediction in Permafrost-Bound Land - Video

Human-Non-Human Entanglements of Prediction in Permafrost-Bound Land
with Olga Ulturgasheva

The intensification of ecological fragility and rapidity of environmental change in the Siberian Arctic questions adaptability and human capacity to predict and avert ecological disasters while pointing at potential limitations of available models for forecasting and mitigating environmental calamities. Given the bounded human capacity for predicting unpredictable, the challenge is to craft a tentative strategy that takes into detailed and balanced consideration limitations and productive potential of knowledge whether scientific or public. This talk will examine the potentials of co-mobilising geo-cryological and cosmo-ecological expert systems in devising strategies for dealing with the latest dynamic of climate change.

This event is co-sponsored by the NYU Department of Anthropology.
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