JANKOS JOINS THE CAST (Worlds 2023 CoStreams | Swiss Stage - Day 1) - Video

Start of the Swiss Stage.

Voice call audio is taken from Jankos' stream since Sneaky did not configure his audio settings on his new PC for the day.

Worlds Co-Streams with Sneaky, Meteos, and @doublelift (ft. @Jankoss)
Worlds 2023 | Day 7
Stage 2: Swiss | Day 1
Patch 13.19

Special thanks to Riot Games for allowing the Co-Streams.

Footage from October 19, 2023

▼ Editor


▼ Time Stamps

[0:00:00] Game 1: T1 vs TL
- [0:04:12] Sneaky joins
[0:29:44] Game 2: C9 vs MAD
[0:41:14] Podcast: Why Jankos thinks G2 is the best Western team
[0:44:21] Game 5: G2 vs DK

▼ Editor's Added Music

[Start] Donkey Kong Country (SNES) - Simian Segue
[End] Donkey Kong Country (SNES) - Cranky's Theme

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Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/Sneaky
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#Worlds2023 #CoStream #LeagueOfLegends
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lol, league of legends, sneakylol
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