Live FREE Personal Tarot reading Sorry Free list is closed $5 super chat open Next live Wed 5pm east - Video

Tarot Readings are Adult entertaiment. ( DO NOT MAKE LIFE DECISIONS ON CARDS) Check out My Oracle Collection List down below in the description. IF YOU Do Not Behave on chat My Mods will take you out no warnings. My Mods have my support and are following my orders. I am so bless to have the Best Mods on you tube. Thank you Mods for your hard work.

Follow rules or Leave
I take a list for free . Donations can skip the line My lives are very long but informative. First in First out. Patience is key. The wait could be an hour or longer;

I will put your name on a list. Next I will type your name in When I'm ready for you. if you drop your questions too early you comment will be removed. No spaming the chat.(IF YOU ARE NOT HERE NO READING)

I have a second channel called Jennifer's All signs. Once a month I do what is coming in love and other topics. Supplement my first channel.

Oracle cards are given only by request. One oracle card for free reads Please request them clearly ( also Oracle cards and Tarot cards cannot replace professional help)

Oracle cards I have:
Love bucket
honey love messages
career & life oracle money advice
Journey to the Divine Masculine= what he is going through
moon messages
pink hidden truth deck sweet messages
black hidden truth spicy messages
dm messages
dm unspoken messages
dirty messages
past life messages
arch angel michael messages
shadow message from ex
money magic cards for those struggling
tea leaf
big fortune cards
fortune cookie
intuitive life coach message
no contact message
pink passion deck mans feeling dramtic
love answers oracle people struggling in getting the love they want
cancerian oracle receive direct answers
fall back deck learning how to surrender
energy cards
spirit message cards
unicorn cards
amira love oracle deck
kipper deck
romance angels

romance faery oracle
angel answers
talking to Heaven Cards for people dealing with grief
Three crazy tea decks
the scoop
what the tea fire witch
Nothing but f*** and s*** deck by Spiritual Gangsta
Reiki Tarot deck energy healing message
healing with the fairies by doreen virtue
moonology oracle cards
good advice from moden women
dark confessions
divine direction
the anxiety and stress solution deck
love oracle attract and create the love you want to keep couples calm
the love oracle by simplistic mystic
decoding your anxiety
decoding your self-esteem
decoding your fears
guiding light oracle
life purpose by doreen virtue
work your light
psychic tarot
psychic tarot for the heart
heal yourself reading cards
energy & spirit oracle
ancestor spirit oracle cards
light worker oracle
buddhism reading cards
true love oracle
the key oracle unlocjing answers for self healing
the akashic tarot
the quantum oracle
soul helper messages from your higher self
the power of surrener cards transform your life by letting go
native spirit oracle a member of the Cheroke nation
sacred traveller
unshakable innner peace
the priestess of lightsacred light oracle
divine dog wisdom cards
soul lessons and soul purpose
shine from inside
gateway is about unlocking ancient wisdom with in you
the soul's journey how to live as spiritual being in the physical world
the universe has your back
miracle now
mirror cards powerful tool enchance your relationship
Twitch nude
horoscope, zodiac signs, oracle card reading
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