Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Livestream! - Video

HI everyone, we're passionate about helping others, and have joined in on #Hungerhunters to raise money for No Kid Hungry! To that end we have some challenges and prizes while we stream.
1. If we reach $150 raised we will do a hunting stream with every cart requiring us to eat a hot pepper.
2. If we reach $300 raised we will do the same but every cart means we get zapped with shock collars.
3. We are working on a lovely Rathalos icon wood artwork, and every $10 donated will be an entry to win the art piece.

We are super close to hitting our first milestone, hope you can help!

We're gearing up for some more hunting in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak! Woot! Time to take on a favorite monster from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Gore Magala! Come hunt with us! Tom and others will be joining us, we'll have a lobby (or two) open on Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak for the Nintendo Switch, and we'll be going into the game unspoiled to enjoy it to the fullest for the first time. Come journey to the west with us as the Knights of the Kingdom defend Elgado Outpost! Will we fight the final of the three lords now that Garangolm and Lunagaron has been defeated? Come find out today!

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Arbitrary Hero, Conversion Conversations, Extra Life
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