No Armor, Just One Golden Eveningstar - Mordhau Gameplay, Chill Commentary - Video

Today's Mordhau gameplay video features my "Naked" loadout with the Warden's Grand Mace Eveningstar skin. I went with the all-gold version of the skin, because why not.

I've been slowly testing different weapons out with my Mordhau naked build, which just means they don't have any armor on, as far as the game mechanics are concerned. Cosmetically, I did my best to disguise the fact that I'm naked by equipping no-cost clothing and visual-only armor. The chainmail doesn't actually protect me from anything, but an archer 100 yards away won't be able to really tell the difference.

Mordhau is a medieval battle game that allows players to build soldiers using a variety of weapons and armor types. My Mordhau Naked Eveningstar build is just one of many Mordhau builds I have made in this game. Check out my daily Mordhau videos for more builds and more chill Mordhau gameplay.

You can pick up Mordhau on Steam. Coming soon to Epic and consoles.

You can catch me streaming Mordhau Friday/Saturday nights, from 7PM to 9PM EST -
Join the Epic Brew Discord to chat with community members about Mordhau and anything else we happen to be talking about for the day. -

#Mordhau #Medieval #Eveningstar
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