"Nothing On (But The Radio)" | Lip Sync Cut | Drag Race: Battle of The Shows #05 - Video

===== CAST =====
Avery Goodname
Jazelle B. Royale
Manila Luzon
Melissa Befierce
Paper Cut
Sigourney Beaver

===== EP. 05 Squash It =====
This week, the queens a tasked on writing and performing their own verses to the new hit song "Squash It"

===== DRAMA =====
When the queens came back into the werkroom, the queens congratulated Saint on her win.

Saint admits she thought she wasn't going to win and she's actually really elated to have won this challenge.

The queens then turn their attention to Manila, and ask her who she chose.

Manila revealed that she chose Jazelle's lipstick.

Jazelle is not happy about this choice

Jazelle says she's not going to play around and won't hesitate to return the favor later down the line

The girls get out of drag and the title sequence rolls

===== RUPAUL ARRIVES =====
The queens enter the werkroom, and It's then revealed that challenge is getting into girl groups and writing verse for the new hit song "Squash It". Since Saint and Manila were last week's challenge winners they get to pick their groups.

The following are the groups that were formed

Team Manila
Sigourney Beaver
Avery Goodname

Team Saint
Jazelle B. Royale
Melisa B. Fierce
Paper Cut

===== RESULTS ====
"Melissa Befierce, Jazelle B. Royale", condragulations you're the top All Stars of the week!"

"Manila Luzon, Avery Goodname. I'm sorry my dears but you are the bottom All Stars of the week"

After the Top 2 Queen's deliberation, they needed to choose their lipsticks

Melissa chose Avery. Despite planning on picking Manila's lip sync, Manila managed to solidify an alliance with Melissa going forward, even going as far as telling Melissa she could take her out if she got the chance again if she felt threatened.

Jazelle chose Manila. Jazelle wanted to return the favor and send Manila packing over what Manila tried to do to her last week.

"Two All Stars stand before me, prior to tonight, you were asked to prepare a lip-sync performance of "Nothing On (But The Radio)" by Addison Rae. Ladies, this is your chance to impress me, a cash tip of $15.000 dollars, and give one of your fellow queens the CHOP! The time has come, for you to lip-sync for the world, good luck and don't f*ck it up."

Both queens served sex. Jazelle gave low energy and Melissa gave high energy!

In the end Melissa was announced the winner of the lip sync.

===== ELIMINATION =====
In the end, Melissa reveals who she chose to get the chop,

RuPaul tells Avery that she will forever be an Ultimate Drag Personality, and proceeds to tell her to sashay away...

Melissa Befierce (WIN)
Jazelle B. Royale (TOP 2)
Peppermint (HIGH)
Sigourney Beaver (SAFE)
Saint (SAFE)
Paper Cut (LOW)
Manila Luzon (BOTTOM)
Avery Goodname (ELIMINATED)
Twitch nude
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