OP in 20 Minutes Faith Lightning One Shot God (Prophet) | Elden Ring (Patch 1.03) - Video

Best Faith Prophet Build in Elden Ring, One Shot any Boss. Full Walkthrough Video : https://youtu.be/9r3_gtqPpgo
Time Stamps:
0:00 Intro
0:27 First Steps Grace and Church of Elleh Grace
0:45 Steed from Melina
1:02 Gatefront Ruins Map + Whetstone Knife
1:17 Spirit Calling Bell from Renna
1:32 Golden Vow - Ash of War
1:48 Beast Crest Heater Shield
2:02 Gold Pickled Fowl Foot
2:19 Flame of Frenzy
2:26 Faith Knot Crystal Tear
2:37 Fort Haight - Dectus Medallion (L) / Bloody Slash
2:57 Teleport to Caelid with the Waygate (3rd Church of Marika)
3:28 Somber 8 + Somber 9
3:59 Fort Gael - Flame Grant Me Strength
4:15 Somber 4
4:48 Buy Rapier (1000 Runes) + Buy Flame Sling (800 Runes)
4:59 Memorize Spells, Flasks + Apply Golden Vow (Spear) and Bloody Slash (Rapier)
5:22 Fort Faroth - Dectus Medallion (R) / Radagon Soreseal
6:14 Lenne's Rise - Memory Stone
6:25 Buy Estoc (3000 Runes) and Lantern (1800 Runes)
6:42 Teleport to Academy with the Waygate (Purified Ruins)
6:52 South Academy Gate Grace
7:03 Academy Key
7:21 Somber 3 (Shoreline before Lucaria Tunnel)
7:32 Adjust Flasks (Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel Grace)
8:01 Weeping Peninsula - Morning Star
8:09 Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel - Smithing Stone Miner's Bell Bearing / Crystalian
8:29 Patches (Murkwater Cave) for Margit's Shackle + Golden Fowl Feet
8:58 Help Yura with Invasion / Raptor of Mist Ash of War
9:37 Grab Carian Knight Armor
10:13 Volcano Warp (Somber 6, 5, 7 )
11:46 Godskin Cheese (extra runes)
13:16 Roundtable - Level Stats
13:34 Purchase Necessary Upgrade Materials (depending on runes)
13:52 Level Rapier
14:28 Erdtree Seal
14:49 Giant Blacksmith - Buy Somber 1-4 (if missing any) and Level Erdtree Seal
15:15 Frenzied Burst
15:34 Lightning Cracked Tear (NE Liurnia Erdtree Avatar)
15:56 Artist Shack Knight (Dragon Cult Prayerbook / Lightning Spear)
16:16 Roundtable - Turn in the Dragon Cult Book for Lightning Spear Spell to Brother Corhyn
16:34 Grand Lift of Dectus / Perfumer's Grotto Site of Grace (to be able to wrong warp)
16:53 Smithing-Stone Bell Bearing (2) - Sealed Tunnel
17:08 Kill Sleeping Dragon
17:41 Four Belfries / Wrong Warp - Crumbling Farum Azula
18:31 Ancient Dragon's Lightning Strike (Full Guide Here: https://youtu.be/ws40xyNTHiw?t=165)
18:52 Altus to Meet Brother Corhyn and Buy Incantation
19:08 Dragon/Rune Dupe Again and Upgrade Weapons
20:12 Margit Destruction
Twitch nude
Elden Ring, Mage, Battlemage
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