pewdiepie mrbeast belle delphine - Video

i know boring streamss. i plan on making streams more fun soon

my plan is losing weight by eating less & 20minute workout per day. 400 lbs currently

on my diet now. i am trying to lose weight. its a slow battle

my twitter-

Dude your stream is just you laying down why even bother what's the point?
I do plan to do more entertaining stuff eventually. But even then my stream will probably be 10% entertaining content and 90% boring. I mostly stream cuz it is relaxing for me and it puts me in a real chill mood when im making chill content for any of my fans out there. i like to think maybe my stream helps brighten up some peoples day

also i kinda view my stream as like a Buddhist Zen meditation stream for reaching divine oneness enlightenment with the universe

do you play any games?
yes i think im pretty good at league. i plan to start streaming my gameplay again soonish
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