PhD café - A virtual seminar series for PhD researchers in India - Molecular Biology - Video

‘PhD café’ is a one-of-a-kind seminar series for PhD researchers life sciences across India; the series will host ~60 pre-selected PhD researchers (in advanced stages of their PhD and close to graduation) to present their work to experts and the wider community in various fields of experimental biology.

The sessions are structured based on fields of work, with five days of virtual sessions and online interactions. The sessions will provide PhD researchers an opportunity to present their research work to the community, as well as seek inputs, feedback, and suggestions from senior scientific colleagues on different aspects of their work. At the end of their presentation, the PhD researcher would have had a pre-defense sort of experience, with scientific as well as professional inputs to advance their careers.

Supported by the Company of Biologists, this online series will showcase experimental biology-related work being done by PhD researchers in India; with potential immediate and long-term gains for the broader life science ecosystem in India.
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