Plastering of the porch of the room in extreme heat by the master of Sarmast - Video

Plastering a porch in extreme heat by a drunk master can be a dangerous and potentially damaging situation. The extreme heat can cause the plaster to dry too quickly, leading to cracking and an uneven finish. Additionally, the drunk master may not have the coordination or focus needed to properly apply the plaster, resulting in a sloppy and inconsistent job.

Furthermore, working in extreme heat can be physically taxing and dangerous, especially for someone who is impaired by alcohol. Dehydration and heat exhaustion are real risks in these conditions, and the quality of work is likely to suffer as a result.

In summary, plastering a porch in extreme heat by a drunk master is not recommended as it can result in poor quality work, potential damage, and risks to both the worker and the project itself. It is important to prioritize safety and quality in any construction project.
#ExtremeHeatConstruction #DrunkMasterDisaster
#QualityWorkMatters #AvoidWorkingUnderTheInfluence #HeatExhaustionPrevention #ProfessionalPlastering
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