Pokimane Wants More Censorship To Punish Online Trolls! Total Clown World. - Video

Recently Pokimane publicly said she wants to make trolls get punished for their actions which obviously means more censorship and regulations on the internet. And why? Because people get under her weak skin and apparently pokimane hasnt learned what IGNORING means and the only way thinks this problem is solved is by getting the government involved and controlling more of the internet and its speech. MADNESS! These people love censorship so much that they dont see that it can easily backfire. These lunatics shouldnt even have a platform after all the nasty things they said and did and also got caught ON CAMERA but like the title of the video says....we live in a clown world. Where lunatics can get away with anything but not your average joe. Rules for us but not them.
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pokimane, pokimane drama, pokimane exposed
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