POV: you are the twitch mod who explains why amouranth and indiefoxx got unbanned - Video

armouranth and indiefoxx are back on twitch, i was appointed to explain why and how.
**DISCLAIMER** I DO NOT WORK FOR TWITCH OR AM AFFILIATED WITH THEM IN ANY WAY THIS IS SATIRE also don't be mean to any streamer. that solves nothing and just adds to toxic environment. and makes me look bad if i was the cause of that. I'm poking fun at Twitch policy until things are updated or made more clear. till then, let the monetization's fly. again, I have no problem with EITHER of these streamers, amouranth i've met and she's nice, Indiefoxx plays guitar and sings, they just people. and i'm just having a laugh at this whole cluster f**k of a situation XD

streamers in the thumbnail and video:
Amouranth: https://www.twitch.tv/amouranth
Indiefoxx: https://www.twitch.tv/indiefoxx

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