Safe Bench Tips, Romano's Fixes for Bodybuilding Shows, The Bullworker & Fitness Gadgets - Video

These livestreams are an op forum to ask stuff about training, nutrition, life, why your breath stinks, etc. Only rule: Don't be a jerk.

00:12:29 - Discussion on issues with current bodybuilding shows, including too many divisions diluting the quality and divisions like men's wellness not making sense.

00:19:00 - Explanation of what happened to women's bodybuilding and how the physiques got too extreme, leading to new divisions being added over time.

00:23:59 - If running a bodybuilding federation, recommendations would be to remove unnecessary divisions, focus on the core of bodybuilding, and clean things up to take out the "circus element".

00:35:17 - Tips for safe bench pressing technique, including going slow with perfect form, not bouncing, and using a slingshot or rack negatives to increase weight over time.

00:44:30 - Thoughts on new exercise gadgets, most are a waste, and focus should be on basic fundamentals that actually work.

00:56:56 - Discussion that more is not better regarding supplements, and to follow label directions rather than being "stupid" and overdoing amounts.

00:57:00 - Pre-workout is not necessary for a good workout as coffee can work just as well as a stimulant if dosed properly.
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