Saturday Night In with Arty Farty Annie - Macrame Rainbow! - Video

On the first Saturday of the month, join me and my son Tom for two hours of chat and arty farty fun in my craftroom, from 8pm to 10pm UK time. I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be on a Saturday night! :)

This month (a week later than usual due to the Coronation), I will be trying out the Rainbow Macrame kit by ArtStudio which I bought at the Range for £2.99 - let's see if it turns out as cute as it looks on the box! :)

Connect with other creative people over at the Arty Farty Annie Group on Facebook, a friendly and supportive place where you're welcome to share your creations with us - I always love to see them!
We also now have a Discord server called Arty Fartists, feel free to pop in, say hi, share your inspirations and creations and generally get to know us all a bit better .

You'll find all the links you need here -
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