seasideMARK Im doing great, its 5 days soba, 29 weeks 1 day no gamble, life is great now get in - Video

Living with a hidden disability fish odour syndrome.
(TMAU) 1 day I stink of fish another day stink of shit de lads,
SOME people smell it and some people don't.
I was diagnosed in 2005 by Sheffield university and 5 great guys plus one knows some one who worked at sheffield university in 2005.
I type in 2002 on google why do i smell of fish, it came up with TMAU (fish odour syndrome)
I have a hidden disability it miss understood and unpleasant
if i never had TMAU i would have worked all my life, I never ask to be born.
I dont feel sorry for myself i stay positive all the way and spiritual minded.
I have to wash my arm pits again after a shower and plus I have to wash my ass in the sink in the day after toilet.
Dont feel sorry for me just try and understand a hidden disability.
I get on with my life and make the most of it, positive all the way
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