Set 6.5 Neon Nights and Mid-Set Finale | Triforce Tactics: The TFT Podcast Ep. 23 - Video

Welcome to the 23rd Episode of the Triforce Tactics Podcast

Your hosts SpicyAppies, RamKev and Jirachy talked about the results of Mid-Set Finale Tournament and set 6.5 Neon Nights

00:00 Intro
06:50 Mid-Set Finale Day1
15:13 Mid-Set Finale: Day2
24:08 Mid-Set Finale: Ramblinnn, Kyivix, DQA, sètsuko qualified to Regionals
29:50 The other Regionals qualifications avenues
33:33 Set 6.5 Neon Nights: Who is changing, who is leaving and who is arriving
1:13:18 The items: Guardian Angel replaced by Edge of Night
1:16:03 The new augments
1:37:18 Chat Question: How to play double trouble? (Short Answer)
1:37:51 Chat Question: Thieving Rascals
1:39:18 Chat Question: Is this amount of augments gonna benefit some playstyles and hinder others?
1:41:13 Final Thoughts

The team:
Ramkev (@Kevinramen on Twitter)
SpicyAppies (@SpicyAppies on Twitter)
Jirachy (@JirachyTFT on Twitter)

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Editor: @MatteoPozze on twitter
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