I stayed up late making this video before I fly to Punch Land, USA to participate
in The Creator Clash, our celebrity boxing event this Saturday, May 14th. This video exists
to hopefully a.) make you laugh b.) convince you to watch the event c.) sustain
my fleeting relevance in the minds of the young and young-at-heart worldwide.
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/muscleparty
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Hundar
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/breadhungry/
JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/NJCJ797
#CreatorClash #MuscleParty
In this video, your favorite boomer, Brett "Hundar" Hundley, shit talks all of the creators at Creator Clash. Yes, you heard that right. All of them. Twitchnude, Harley from Epic Meal Time, Ryan Magee and Matt Watson from Super Mega, Michael Reeves, I Did A Thing, Odd1sOut, Internet Comment Etiquette, iDubbbz, Dr. Mike, Arin Egoraptor from Game Grumps, DJ Welch, Yodeling Haley, Alex Ernst, Dad, Graham Stephan. No one is safe from the hands of the Muscle God. Brett may be vegetarian, but man. He's got BEEF.
in The Creator Clash, our celebrity boxing event this Saturday, May 14th. This video exists
to hopefully a.) make you laugh b.) convince you to watch the event c.) sustain
my fleeting relevance in the minds of the young and young-at-heart worldwide.
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/muscleparty
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Hundar
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/breadhungry/
JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/NJCJ797
#CreatorClash #MuscleParty
In this video, your favorite boomer, Brett "Hundar" Hundley, shit talks all of the creators at Creator Clash. Yes, you heard that right. All of them. Twitchnude, Harley from Epic Meal Time, Ryan Magee and Matt Watson from Super Mega, Michael Reeves, I Did A Thing, Odd1sOut, Internet Comment Etiquette, iDubbbz, Dr. Mike, Arin Egoraptor from Game Grumps, DJ Welch, Yodeling Haley, Alex Ernst, Dad, Graham Stephan. No one is safe from the hands of the Muscle God. Brett may be vegetarian, but man. He's got BEEF.
- Category
- Twitch nude
- Tags
- cowchop, hundar, brett hundley cowchop
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