Story time with fatty: catching a perma ban from twitch/a note for twitch - Video

Hey guys it’s me, now I know I usually like to keep things light hearted, how ever, this is one of those few moments we’re I needed to be more serious.
I understand if you don’t wish to watch this video and I wouldn’t blame you, I encourage you to watch some of my list-saber or Airsoft content.

For those still here this is a synopsis of the video:
I talk about my time perma banned on
And use that story to pose a Qustion to twitch itself witch is

Why is their 0 way for your content creators/streamers to contact support directly. You have a secret email that is legit impossible to find looking through the website, and even if you get it you got 3 months before you get a response, and a Twitter you can tweet with your problems like 12 year olds tweeting their math teacher for help. And might get a response or might not. Why do you continue to insult the very people that make your site remotely popular, it’s pretty insulting, and in the end hurts you more than us, we can find another spot to go live and do what we do, as a company twitch doesn’t.
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