#Sugli's annoyance with the shopkeeper because he doesn't look for her when she's away.#
#Sugli's illness puts pressure on her and she gets aggressive with the shopkeeper and tells him why you found me so late#
#Ms. Sougli's annoyance with the shopkeeper for finding her so late in the desert#
#Marjan is smart and brave#
#Marjan and Behzad's longing for their family #
#The shopkeeper's wish to marry Ms. Sougli came true #
#Sugli's illness puts pressure on her and she gets aggressive with the shopkeeper and tells him why you found me so late#
#Ms. Sougli's annoyance with the shopkeeper for finding her so late in the desert#
#Marjan is smart and brave#
#Marjan and Behzad's longing for their family #
#The shopkeeper's wish to marry Ms. Sougli came true #
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