Sunday Service 11:00 am with Pastor Jonathan Lys - Video

Sunday Service with Pastor Jonathan Lys -
Corpus Christi, TX

“As Jesus was setting out on a journey,
a man ran up and knelt before him, and asked him,
‘Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?’”

Pastor Jonathan Lys
SAM - Cecilia Rhoades,
Lay Ministers - Jerry Kramer,
Lee Koerner, Sandra Parker, Mike Lugo
Organist/Pianist – Terri Henneke, Linda Weber & Rolean Cook
Singer - Lori Kroll,

Lutherans of the Gulf Coast
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Women of the ELCA

Video Producers - Jorge S Lopez
Devean D Velasquez, Assistant

Offerings & Online Donations:

St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
4620 S Alameda St. Corpus Christi, TX 78412
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St Mark, Lutheran, Church
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