The FULL Story of the Heol Fanog Haunting - Murder, Ghosts & Hellfire - Video

Heol Fanog has been dubbed the Welsh Amyityville, The Witch Farm, the Hell Fire Farm and the Most Exorcised House in the World.

This true haunting story includes poltergeist activity, murder, witchcraft, demonic possessions, ghosts of past occupants and even an Egyptian God. I hope you got your paranormal bingo cards ready!

This supernatural investigation documentary will delve into the dark history of Heol Fanog and everything done to get rid of the evil entity. This includes occult rituals, a curse, supernatural folklore in Wales, urban legends, dark tourism, and true crime.

If you enjoy this video covering my exploration of one of the world’s most haunted places, please support me by subscribing and hitting the notification bell. It will help make more of these types of videos.

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Thank you guys and gals!

Music Credits -
Dark Ambient - Horror Background Music by THRLL
Dark Ambient Background Music - You know what i need by CO.AG Music
Lonesome Journey by KeysofMoonMusic
Twitch nude
heol fanog, witch farm, the witch farm
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