The Magic Word. - Video

The magic word isn't abracadabra, alakazzam, hocus pocus, or open sesame, but those are words that a magician may use to make a magic trick come alive. For people, there may be magic words that will catch their attention, make them do something, or make them comply. A person's history and experience will have a lot to do with what the magic word for them may be. In other words, you may have to get to know someone before their magic word will work for you. For example, even a dog will not obey everyone's commands, even if they recognize the commands well. I love you, please and thank you may be the magic words for some people, when said by some people, but not all people will be able to use them for the same magic. At home, you are beautiful and I love you might get you an acceptance of a marriage proposal. At work, the same words may get you a warning from HR. What are your magic words? The words that turn on and turn off. Let's talk. 

That's what we're talking about tonight at 7PM ET on The Daily Gogetemism SHow. Check this out:

#Abracadabra #Magic #ThankYou #HocusPocus
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#Abracadabra, #Magic, #ThankYou
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