The Sun Gate in Bolivia A mysterious story about the origin of humanity - Video

A French journalist's unexpected jump off a train in Bolivia led to the discovery of ancient inscriptions on the Sun Gate in Tiwanaku. The journalist bought two statues from a child who said they were from Tiwanaku , the oldest city in Bolivia. The journalist discovered strange drawings on the Sun Gate when he magnified them. The drawings depict a naked white woman, complex mechanical machines, and astronauts. The inscriptions on the Sun Gate were translated by a Spanish researcher. The inscriptions say that the Sun Gate was built by advanced human beings from another planet. The beings landed in Lake Titicaca and dumped their waste into the lake. The beings brought a mother with them who is the origin of awareness, intelligence, and all of humanity. The mother came from the planet Venus and is described as having a round head, two large ears, and four fingers on each hand. Her name is Orkhona, meaning the one with the big ears. The Vatican has a document dating back to 1625 that describes Tiwanaku as having disappeared from the face of the earth. The city was struck by an earthquake and engulfed by fires, and the inhabitants buried their dead in Lake Titicaca. The inhabitants of Tiwanaku were white people with golden beards and blue eyes.
The Sun Gate inscriptions are a mystery that has yet to be solved. The video raises many questions about the origins of humanity and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. The inscriptions on the Sun Gate are a fascinating piece of evidence that suggests that we may not be alone in the universe.
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Sun Gate, Bolivia, Inscription
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