Twitch ASMR Fart Meta - An ASMR Enjoyer's Perspective ( Indiefoxx & Amouranth Ban ) - Video

Twitch did it again! This new ASMR Fart Meta is no surprise to me. And Indiefoxx ban and Amouranth ban came with no surprise either. ASMR has exploited by too many people on Twitch who insist in making it innapropriate. Because obviously that means money on Twitch.

The creation of Pools, Hot tubs and Beaches wasnt enough for e-girls like Indiefoxx and Amouranth . Instead it only made them branch out to ASMR since the whole element of surprise was gone. They could no longer bait lonely people from the IRL section. So this is the beatiful genesis of the ASMR Fart meta on Twitch ... because they weren't out of control already.

Despite this I share SomeOrdinaryGamers opionion about Indiefoxx and Amouranth ASMR ban . It is consistent considering the other girl who farted through a different... source and also got a ban . However is deserved since Indiefoxx and Amouranth both share very different contexts. But it's sad to see Twitch streamers going through this loss of integrity. XQC , MizKif etc...Specially for the ASMR " community " (if thats even a thing). Is this the replacement for Hot Tub meta? It sure doesnt seem to stop them...

What ya'll think about this whole Twitch ASMR business? Drop in the comments.

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