Unaliving in Bloodborne isn't funny #bloodborne #fromsoftware #rage #streamer #gaming #fyppage - Video

i play the game, sometimes make funny...

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TIKTOK - https://www.tiktok.com/@storiedsafe.tv

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Storied Safe, Gabe Holtz, Ultimate hot gamer man, is known for his skills in popular games such as MineCraft, Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, ect. Safe has been been posting YouTube videos since 2017 when he was in middle school. He now opts to stream sub-par content on the site as well as on twitch.tv. Gaming is the primary content along with general chatting and giving misinformed opinions on topics/ideas that are well out of his depth. If you enjoy the stream or any subsequent videos from Storied Safe make sure to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE, not because your gratitude will be responded to or even appreciated, but it just helps with the algorithm or whatever. Storied Safe is the next up and we all know it, make your one of the few to get on the gravy train early. Anyways, I've run out of things to write so now I'm going to list several topics and buzzwords in the description to help get these vods/vids out into the YouTube stream of consciousness.

comedy, entertainment, funny moments
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