Volume 11: An Hour of Vintage Christmas Commercials from the 70s to the 00s - Video

Happy Holidays everyone! I'm back with another hour long collection. I really don't know how many more of these I'll be able to put together. As usual, these are gathered from around YouTube. The sound quality is the best I could get with some of these clips, as I am really starting to scrap the bottom of the barrel regarding recording quality. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and that you enjoy the video. Please find all original uploaders' links below.

90s Video girl - https://www.youtube.com/@90svideogirl87
Alex Sayre - https://www.youtube.com/@alexsayre8591
Analog Memories - https://www.youtube.com/@AnalogMemories
Betty White Archive - https://www.youtube.com/@bettywhitearchive8535
Bionic Disco - https://www.youtube.com/@BionicDisco
Chuck D's All-New Classic TV Clubhouse - https://www.youtube.com/@chuckdsall-newclassictvclu4264
Craig$1996's Commercial Vault - https://www.youtube.com/@user-yv9jt4dh4z
The Dead Media Group - https://www.youtube.com/@thedeadmediagroup8317
Earl of Baltimore - https://www.youtube.com/@EarlofBaltimore
Fenwick's Television Archives - https://www.youtube.com/@FenwickVHS
FNP Films - https://www.youtube.com/@fnpfilms7351
GroverKent - https://www.youtube.com/@GroverKent
J's Classic TV - https://www.youtube.com/@JsClassicTV
Krudvid - https://www.youtube.com/@KrudVid
Mason Pitzel - https://www.youtube.com/@masonpitzel
Mainly Maine Commercials - https://www.youtube.com/@MainelyMaineCommercials
Mayor McCheese - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr17p9fcFHyby7SIR8pHs3w
Micro Jow's Retro Warehouse - https://www.youtube.com/@MicroJow
Millenium VHS - https://www.youtube.com/@MillenniumVHS
Mike E Densgarden - https://www.youtube.com/@mikeedensgarden5045
Oisfsehgfusd - https://www.youtube.com/@oisfsehgfusd7739
Pannoni4 - https://www.youtube.com/@pannoni4875
Pannoni8 - https://www.youtube.com/@pannoni8449
Pirate Radio USA - https://www.youtube.com/@PirateRadioUSA
Remember that one ad? - https://www.youtube.com/@RememberThatOneAd
RetromercialBilly - https://www.youtube.com/@RetromercialBilly
Retronewfoundland - https://www.youtube.com/@retronewfoundland
SchfiftyThreeRetroTV - https://www.youtube.com/@SchfiftyThreeRetroTV
Shut Up Dad - https://www.youtube.com/@wadesuhr
South - https://www.youtube.com/@south2025
SV Video Archive - https://www.youtube.com/@video-archive
Tapehole Annex - https://www.youtube.com/@tapeholeannex
TheHauntedDriveIn - https://www.youtube.com/@TheHauntedDriveIn
TV Vortex - https://www.youtube.com/@tvvortex9622
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