What If Twitch Went Full Naked? Leaks and Peeks | Warp World Podcast #145 - Video

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Welcome to Episode 145 of the Warp World Podcast! The Warp World Podcast is a weekly podcast centered around gaming and Twitch Culture. Every Monday, our hosts offer their unfiltered opinions and "hot takes" on the biggest stories happening both in gaming and Twitch on the Warp World Podcast.

Another week recording in AC, and it's getting personal. An unfortunately dry episode this week, xwater takes some time to take care of BUSINESS. In the meantime Jaku and Poo talk about Animal Crossing Survivor, Deal or no Deal, and some REAL gamer news! Last of us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima gets a date, plexstorm is twitch but naked, and MORE! Check it out.

Warp World Podcast, Episode 145
Recorded LIVE : Thursday April 30th 2020

Check out our hosts on Twitch!
Jaku - https://twitch.tv/Jaku
GrandPOOBear - https://twitch.tv/GrandPOOBear
xwater - https://www.twitch.tv/xwater

Check out our other Podcasts, Warp World Historians and I Got One! on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and https://podcast.warp.world.

If you're a streamer, make sure to check out some of our tools:
Warp World, Mario Maker Level Queue - https://warp.world
1UpCoin, Accept Cryptocurrency donations on stream - https://1upcoin.com
CrowdControl, Interactive Twitch Extension - https://crowdcontrol.live

#Gaming #Podcast #AnimalCrossing
Twitch nude
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