Woke 'n' Boke #130 | "Woke 'n' Boke Wednesdays" - Video

I apologize for this episode being late as shit but as I said on some of our socials: sometimes it's gonna be late! Especially when we record on a Sunday. Next week will surely be on time but for now sink your teeth into this 75 minute episode full of your favorite WNB tropes. We hope you enjoy :) Join the discord and become part of the Woke 'n' Boke Friendship Militia!! https://discord.gg/g3VX57g9UB​​ Subscribe to our YouTube! and please send us your questions at [email protected] and don't forget to follow our socials on instagram @wokenbokepodcast @moschinodorito @narboogledoof @maxsandza, as well as on twitter @wokenbokepod @moschinodorito @unclechuzz @narboogledoof. Also catch the three of us streaming all the time on twitch.tv/moschinodorito, twitch.tv/uncle_chuzz, and twitch.tv/narboogledoof. Theme song by Noods: https://noods.bandcamp.com/album/blush Thanks for listening!!
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