Would YOU pay $30,000 to play with Pokimane? #shorts - Video

CdawgVA is back once more with another chairty event, this time auctioning off influencers items and srvices for the masses who will pay for them. It just so happens that the Queen of Twitch herself, Pokimane, is also taking part in this.

However, instead of offering an item, she is offering her company for a gameing session to the highest bidder. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever, however it just so happens to currently be one of the MOST EXPENSIVE ITEMS in the event. A current bid of over $30,000 is here (fake bids from evil people going as high as $500000) for the lucky person wanting to have her join them for a game session.

I have nothing against Pokimane and this doesn't reflect my feelings on her at all, I just find it insane someone has that much cash to spend on a Streamer joining them for a game.

#shorts #pokimane #cdawgva
Twitch nude
bizurie, shorts, twitch
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