Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Siege of Paris Faith and Fire Finding Bernard and rescuing Richardis - Video

Faith and Fire Finding Bernard and rescuing Richardis Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Siege of Paris
Count Odo also asks you to swear that you’ll kill King Charles III. You can acquiesce to his demand or say that you can’t promise anything.

Anyway, travel to Amiens and look for the Slaughtered Calf Tavern. Inside, you’ll see a grisly sight with countless bodies ripped limb from limb. You can find clues on the second floor (just loop around the balcony). After talking to the tavernkeeper, he’ll tell you that Bernard was taken to the nearby church. You can avoid most of the guards here. Just drop down from the roof and enter the church’s halls.

Inside, you’ll find Bernard cowering. Tell him to run off to Lisieux where he’ll be safe. You’ll also learn that Richardis was taken to the palace at Amiens. This place is heavily guarded. However, there’s a secret entrance near the western walls.

First, check the eastern side of the docks to find a soldier who has a key. After taking him out, open the gate to the west and make your way to the tower. Once you do a leap of faith, a cutscene will start. Richardis is about to get burned at the stake, a so-called Ordeal by Fire. Oh, and it looks like Bishop Gozlin survived your assassination attempt in Paris. You’re going to have to fight him now.

The Bishop Gozlin boss fight isn’t particularly difficult, but it can be annoying due to several troops that will spawn. They’ll throw bombs and other incinerating devices that can pester Eivor throughout the encounter. The sooner you can eliminate Gozlin, the better.

Wellcome to FP Good Game
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